Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Empowering our Education System through Technology?

It is now the 21st century and we still have handicapped our public school systems with the absence of technology. What technology can do to the education process is what technology has done for healthcare. Healthcare is going electronic with electronic health records. Doctors and clinical practitioners are realizing that an investment in technology will allow them to run a more profitable business and in doing so, it will keep the cost of healthcare down. Education needs to follow that same path and become more efficient which will drive down operational costs and improve the overall quality of education. It’s safe to say that the allocation of public dollars is not going to increase for school systems nationally so public education systems need to think outside the box. Manage your school as if it were a fortune 500 company. Work more efficiently and you will naturally be more productive. Provide your team with the necessary tools to be more productive and improve their results. The online electronic grade book is one of the latest tools that are now available to educators. The Baltimore based company www.gradebookportal.com has taken their software development experience and is giving back to communities all over the United States as well as the world. The members of this company are all parents and are intimately aware of the deteriorating education system and are giving back. Gradebookporal.com’s free online grade book is the best in class as it delivers a web based software application that surpasses anything on the market today. Educators now have the ability to document student academic performance electronically and allow for teachers and students to stay connected. Teachers now have access to their data 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Teachers have the freedom to work from home or from their favorite coffee shop. Gradebookportal.com is a completely web base free online grade book which only requires internet access. Teachers also have the ability to attach assignments to the class calendar for parents and teachers to stay abreast of what work needs to be accomplished for each class. Online attendance is a great feature which will alert parents to when their kids miss school. Gradebookportal.com has a unique feature for parents that allow them to build rules to be notified via email or mobile testing. When their child’s attendance drops below 90% or if their child receives a grade for any assignment less than 85%, an email or text message will be sent to the parent. The days of paper based grading systems are a thing of the past. Web based applications similar to gradebookportal.com are revolutionizing the way we deliver education and is holding students and parents more accountable. Accountability can be sometimes overlooked and online grade books are providing a solution. Please take a minute to visit www.gradebookportal.com and discover how technology is improving education. Take some time to compare all of the applications available and make the right decision. Make sure they are secure, spam free and provide you with the necessary information you need to stay more tuned in with your child’s academic progress. Let your school administrators know that this technology is out there and have them implement an electronic online grade book throughout the entire school and school district.